Hoger risico op vasculaire aandoeningen bij AS

Niet zo goed nieuws: nieuw onderzoek wijst uit dat patiënten met Spondylitis Ankylosans (de ziekte van Bechterew)  een hoger risico hebben op vasculaire aandoeningen en ook een hoger mortaliteitsrisico hebben ten gevolge daarvan.


De auteur van de studie Dr. Nigil Harron:
“Recent evidence suggests that patients with AS have increased risk of vascular disease such as coronary heart disease. Our study not only strengthens this data but also provides new information that mortality after a vascular event is higher in AS patients. Further, our results suggest that vascular mortality is directly linked to AS (as comorbidities were controlled for),”

De conclusie:

“patients with AS should be screened and closely monitored for the prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment of cardiac and coronary events.”

meer info: http://spondylitis.org

Patients With Ankylosing Spondylitis Have Increased Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Mortality: A Population-based Study, Annals of internal medicine.

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